lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

EETAC App Final version

Hello again!

The semester has finished, and thus, our application. The final version should be quite stable and useful for the EETAC students and teachers. We hope you enjoy our App!

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Welcome to EetacApp!



We are very please to see you here. To use the QR codes put on the different rooms' gates inside the Eetac, you will need the Eetac Application. You can download it at this personal server (v2), or if you prefer, also from the QR code attached.

This application provides services as a map and a routing tool to a class room but also comments or pictures. Note that this release is an alpha version, so it is more likely to find bugs. We want to know which has been your experience of use and errors found.

Inasmuch as the server is one of our own machines, access to it may not be 24 hours a day. So, if you're trying to use the application and the login or registration process does not respond, it's because the server is off. So, try it again later!

Feel free to browse the blog if you want to know more about the developing process.

UPDATE: New release that solves many bugs (we had some bugs in the server side also). Now it seems to work great!

Comments, feedbacks and suggestions on Twitter: #eetac_app

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

First Spring

On December 19th the EetacApp_0.1v beta release will be available. The goal for that release is sign up and login running, able to do a check in a site and see and put comments. "Check in" mechanism will be based on QR codes which will located in classroom doors.

If we have time enough, the Eetac map will be available and you will see your position in C4 building .

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011



An "edit post" about the work-flow: for the ones who follow us via a mobile phone is there a smaller view of our work-flow: